Tonearm for XX2

I'm looking to upgrade my Origin Live Silver Mk2 to something that will bring out a little more detail and shift the tonal balance more up the range it's a bit bass heavy for my liking with not enough bass detail.

I'll mate it to my Acoustic Solid deck and Dynavector XX2. Options I'm considering in my price are a 2nd hand SME V, a MoerchDP6, Graham2.2 or Vpi12.5.

Any suggestions please guys, I can't demo so I'll buy blind

I've played with the VTA adjustemnt, it's a clamped sleeve so a bit difficult to get fine adjustments.

Interesting comments about the Ikeda designed arms, I've been looking at the IT407 and wondering whether I can find $3000, but I guess I can't, sob!

My phono stage uses the S&B Tx103 SUT which loads the cart with about 100ohms. The rest of the phono is a DIY valve stage using passive RIAA eq. I've not experimented with changing the cartridge loading.

Totally agree with comments about buying blind, hence the question here, I'm trying to use your's and others knowledge to improve my chances at getting a purchase more likely to suit me.

Dynavector DV507 looks interesting but seems to be rare as rocking horse manure.

Many thanks for the response.

100 ohm should be about right although you could try 30 and 500 and see what effect it has.

I'm running a DV507 Mk II at the moment. Listening impressions to follow however I'm not sure it would be my choice.

I've seen the Ikeda IT345 in the low $2000s on ebay iirc - it's worth doing a search of completed items. I've read reports that the Graham 2.2 can lose energy/excitement - e.g. the Stereophile review of the Galibier table.

I've been privileged to hear a new unipivot design that will be launched in the UK at around GBP 1000 in the autumn that will be a great match for the XX-2 (mail me offline for more info) and that would be my choice.

If you can't wait, there's always the GH 242 which is very lively and articulate.

Keep us posted on your progress.
Have you considered modding the OL Silver. A new wiring harness ,one piece from cartridge leads to your pre, i would use the cryoed Cardas wire/bullets. That should give you tighter bass and more highend content. Also maybe a tonearm mounting board made of a different material(acrylic, wood,bamboo,etc) would change the sound more to your liking. I have a bronze endstub and dropped counterweight on my RB250 and that made a huge difference in my set up. After doing all these mods, if you still are not happy with the sound, a fully modded OL Silver should be easy to sell. Just a thought. I like Flyingred's suggestion of the Hadcock GH 242 although i'd probably try the GH 228 because it will drop right in to the OL hole. The XX2 is an excellent cartridge, maybe a different phono stage would be in order, you didn't mention what you are using. I think cartridge and phono stage are more important than the arm. I use a Dynavector P-75 phono stage in the "phono enhance" mode, not with a XX2, but a Karat and a couple Denons and AT-33PTG and think it is a great bargain for $600. I also have a Wright 200C tube MM stage and Bent Audio transformer for about$1700.! They both allow you to fine tune just about any cartridge to optimum performance.
Dear Kevin: I agree with Flyingred: set-up of the right VTA/VTF and load impedance are very important to obtain the best of the XX-2 sound.

Now, he has a very good performance in a tonearm that is similar to what you have, this fact could tell us that the tonearm is not the weak link and I don't think the TT either.

Maybe you have to work harder on the set-up or try a better phonolinepreamplifier.

Btw, I agree, too, with Flyingred about the Ikeda tonearms: very good match with your Dyna and I prefer over the V and the 507 MKII with Dynavector cartridges.

Regards and enjoy the music.