utilises SPZ which dissipates any energy between 4 and 100hz internally at a molecular level, but is completely rigid.
Nice story....🤗
Unfortunately....a fairytale 🤥
Not only will 4Hz go straight through your plinth...but every frequency from 1Hz-10Hz will do likewise (watch the Mark Doehmann video again).
My turntable however, sits on a
HERZAN ACTIVE ISOLATION STAND which cancels all vibrations from 0.5Hz-100Hz.
Granite rings like a bell due to its crystalline structure.
Can you please explain its crystalline structure which enables this?
Is it similar to bronze or
CAST-IRON which are in fact used for bells?
Should you perhaps inform Toho who foolishly made their
TURNTABLE CRADLES from cast-iron....🤔
And if you really believe that 'tapping' a material to see if it 'rings' is the criterion for turntable design.....I look forward to your new plinth made of plasticine to support your platter made of styrofoam 😝