I own Basis power cords and I have heard Basis loudspeaker cables and interconnects. For my system, the interconnects were good, but not as good a match as other interconnects--they are extremely detailed and dynamic sounding, but, again, in my system, just a bit too hard sounding. The same can be said of their speaker cables.
In my friend's system, the Basis speaker cables were VERY surprising. The very lively and dynamic sound was a big plus. The subjective impression when using their speaker cable was that the system was substantially louder--at the same volume setting the speakers sounded louder. I have never heard this kind of pronounced difference in subjective loudness with cables before hearing the Basis cables (compared with XLO Limited cables). I cannot recall what electronics were being used in this system--the preamp was probably a Hovland HP200 and the amps were solid state, but, I cannot recall what they were; the speakers were Spendor S8 and Sonus Faber Anniversario.