Tonearm Options for Basis 2800

Hi All,

I'm wondering if anyone has experience putting something other than a Graham or Vector tonearm on this table. I'm somewhat new to turntables and my perhaps incorrect impression was that with a bit of tweaking most arms could go on most tables, and by tweaking I don't mean radically changing the plinth etc. I was considering putting a Vector 4 on a table that has a Vector 3 and was told (by the big kahoona) that it's not possible because of a "high cup/low cup issue", so I'm just a bit confused.

I visited that room. It was really the dealer's room, not the equipment makers. He has carried AQ cables for decades. The manufacturers likely contributed a share of room costs. And I'm sure they all played nice and respected the dealer's long term relationships.
Politics screwing us again, but I guess it's a reality :) I'm sure you're spot on Omsed when you said:

"And I'm sure they all played nice and respected the dealer's long term relationships."

All I know is the more I listen to the 2800/ Vector 4 with vacuum, the more impressed I am. That AJ is a damn TT genius.
Ps, If anyone has a Synchro Wave they'd like to part with, please let me know, I'm actively in the market for a used one and I'm sure they're quite rare. I'll hold out for a bit longer but I eventually take the plunge if I have too. Yes, have to :)
Just replace my Vector 4 with a Super Arm 9. It will be the last arm you will Ever buy!!
As good as the Vector 4 arm is, the Basis Superarm 9 blows it away. I just got mine one week ago and trust me, it is jaw dropping. I also put a Lyra Etna cartridge in which is still breaking in. Seems to be a great combination as the Etna is very close to the Atlas which is 3K more. Everything that Jwm and Jebsmith have said about this arm is totally true. I have the Basis Debut fully loaded table. My Vandy 7s love this front end.