I am using Graham Arms since Model 2.2, sometimes it was my only Arm,
sometimes it was one among others but when I wanted to know what a Arm
really can do, a Graham Arm was always on my Table when I made my
comparisons [and a lot bite the Dust, there are various reasons for it, one is,
that Design is done right :-) ].
In all those years when I had conversations with Importers or Manufacturers of
other Arms, EVERYONE (no exception) told me, of course they made
comparisons with other Arms and specially with a Graham Phantom and their
Arm is MUCH, MUCH better.
That is ok. Later I made my comparisons (... with Kuzma 4P & others) and most,
really most, are so inferior that I seriously think, there are more than a few out
there who can't hear any difference at all. I mean, most ( there are exceptions
and of course, everyone has exactly THAT exception) look for sonic
compensation (more Bass is highly regarded, or 'Synergy', whatever this means),
or they get something for a good price (that can increase Performance
significantly) or they think, when something sounds different, it is better
anyway.... :-)
The Phantom has no sonic coloration, no sonic fingerprint, when the System is
up to the Task, the Purity of Tone is remarkable (Kuzma 4P is a total different
chapter here). I know a few who prefer other designs, because they
"like" it more but in reality the Phantom simply shows, where the
problem in the chain is. Some analog Users are not able to accept sonic truth
and they look for a compensation, something which makes analog more 'warm',
more cosy, more lovely (that's the area of the wood ones) and when the owner
'likes' it, it is of course better. But in reality it is different but hardly better. I
learned a lot about the ability of Arms, what they can do or not and the Design
from Graham can make life pretty simple. No distortions in the inner tracks,
stable even with warped records, a good calculated geometry, a superior
alignment System, the right cable material, it works superior with a lot of
different cartridges and so on and on.
Probably it is worth a try to get the benchmark. :-)
The last of the serious ones in our modern time.