First, I never rely on What Hifi reviews for anything, ever. I find them thin on content, comparisons, and overall substance, but that’s me. If you wanna read some really good, thorough and truly useful HeadFi reviews go to
That said, it’d be much more helpful to know what specific sound characteristics you’re looking for in headphones more so than what music you listen to. Also, is it ok if the ‘phones are open-backed and leak sound both in and out or do you need/prefer a completely sealed design? Without knowing any of that I have to agree with the Hifiman HE1000 v2 recommendations above. I’m a very happy owner of Hifiman Arya Stealths and would recommend them as well, but when you can get an open-box HE1000 v2 for only a few hundred dollars more I’d jump all over them because they’re by all accounts at a higher level than my Aryas and get pretty close to the flagship Susvaras but are much, much easier to drive — win-win. BTW, I bought my Aryas open-box from Hifiman and were indistinguishable from new to me and have been absolutely wonderful, so open-box gets a big thumbs up from me FWIW…
Without knowing anything else about what you’re looking for I’d throw out Audeze, Focal Utopia, Meze, and Abyss as other make/models to look into depending on whichever seem to offer the sound qualities you’re looking for. Hope this helps, and best of luck in your search.