Topping A90

Hi, what are your thoughts on the Topping A90 as preamp as well as a headphone amp? It has the XLR inputs and outputs as well as gain settings. There is also the A90D with pretty much discrete version. I would be using it as double duty. Thanks

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I have been using the A90 extensively and all can say is WOW. As a headphone amp I am impressed. It took my TASCAM headphones to whole new level. I still have not used it as a preamp but will soon be the next test. Will see how it goes against my Rotel RC-995.

Excellent!  Be interested to see what you think of it as a preamp.  Congrats!

@soix Thanks! I believe the A90 is similar to the A90D in that it has NFCA module for the A90 which you can say space saving where the A90D is NFCA but in discrete design. 

Hi set them up as mono block amp and they were pretty weak. They didn’t have anywhere near the power I thought they would. They weren’t very deep, sounded like a radio