I want to start into high end analog but I just don't get it.

I am confused with all this "belt drive/direct drive", MC for this or that, some guys fighting for of you guys is a 'SELF PROCLAIMED EVANGELIST' about the DJ turntable!

What is reality anyway? Do I have to get a DJ turntable and modify it? If I buy a Rega I'd have to modify it, too...right? There's a counter weight, new wires, rings for VTA, you name it.

What about 'turntables for classical' or 'turntables for rock and roll'? What is this? What about the Star Trek turntable?

Is there a way to just buy something and enjoy?

Any suggestions in a couple of price ranges (new--I don't want to hear how you found in a garage sale this $3000 turntable for $150), say in the $300-600 and $800-1500 ranges?

Thanks and please bear with me.

psychic, have yer buddy mikey try a modded art di/o. at $200-$350, depending on who does the mods, he shouldn't have to wait for something used... may not get him all the way there, but it will likely get him a lot closer... ;~)

doug s.

Thanks everybody. This thread has been most interesting. I just sat back and watched. I still don't understand why Pbb bashed analog in this thread. What are the moderators for anyway? So that we don't use obscene langage?

Psychic, you definitely have a peculiar approach to all this. I understand why you defend the DJ turntable. You don't want to worry about upgrades, tweaks and just keep focused on the music.

Sedond, are you 'obsessed' with that Art di/o? You seem to be a closet analog type to me.

I take that getting any properly matched analog rig will bring pleasure. It's now a matter of finding the best deal for me.

Is the analogue community a gated community? I was convinced of the reasonableness of my various blurbs. I guess Bishopwill put it less in pamphlet form than I did, and I thank him for his good sense. I can see it now: two sold out digital-types playing good cop/bad cop with the "analogue community". Not to leave everyone convinced of my intellectual or hearing deficiencies I have two things to add in closing on analogue/vinyl: 1st) I still believe that in some critical aspect the best reproduction of music I have heard was from direct-to-disc analogue/vinyl LP. Why? The initial attack of the music, its leading edge was the closest to actual live music; 2nd) as pointed out by the Bishop, there is liquidity (or to put it another way, a fine texture) in analogue/vinyl, but it is a fleeting experience, to me at least, gone as soon as the impulse noise breaks the spell. At the risk of repeating myself, more power to those who can hear through it. I still believe that one is better off upgrading within one format, than splitting the available cash between two formats. By the way music, whether reproduced in one format or the other, when it's just right, can still put me in a sort of trance, it casts a spell and takes me away, but that has to do more with the performance and the performers and not the mechanics of its reproduction. Being moved by music does not require much in the way of reading, and certainly no self-improvement course. Elvis Costello said something to the effect that talking about music is like dancing about architecture. I have been moved to tears by music playing on my kitchen radio and have felt singularly unmoved by audiophlie recordings of inferior performances on high res sytems. Let's get back to music qua music. Regards one and all, whatever your avocation.

don't let psychic fool ya - dint he mention that he just ordered a trough to further tweek his 1200? ;~)

ya, i *am* a bit obsessed w/the di/o - after 20 years of digital, i can *finally* enjoy the music, much in the same way i enjoy my analog rig. and, no, i don't have to worry much about upgrading & tweeking the analog rig. well, no more than psychic, anyway. o-l came out w/a new-n-improved rb250 modded arm that i may have to get, replacing my present o-l arm. well, it's silver, & it'll *look* nicer! :>)

doug s.

May I remind you, Pbb, that people have sex like an instinctive event? However, it was under commisioning of the ancient Chinese emperors that Taoist medical sexual research began. What Masters and Johnson were doing in the sixties the Chinese had done way better some 2,500-3,000 years ago. There's a book titled "Tao of Love and Sex" that briefs and explains the findings so that Westeners like you and me can have a more enjoyable life. I had a friend of mine buy the book and told me his married life has increased a hundred fold...

Just when we think we know...the same goes for music.