Tracking force and Unipivot tonearms

I have a Benz Glider and the "recommended" tracking force is 1.8 to 2.2 grams. I am tracking at about 2.4 or 2.5 just to keep it in the grooves during hot peaks on some records. A audiophile friend told me it is not uncommon especially with unipivots to set tracking force at 10 percent or higher than the recommended tracking force. The cart sounds much more full, less sibilant and a more solid sound at the sacrifice of a less air at this heavier tracking force.

Has anyone else found it absolutely necessary to set tracking forces much higher than the recommended force? My friend said it will not damage the cartridge or records at 2.4 or 2.5 grams. He said I should not get hung up on recommended tracking force as all tonearms are different and that it is just the "recommneded" tracking force
I was using a Lyra Skala in my JMW-9 on my super scoutmaster before upgrading to the 10.5i tonearm. Tracked very well on the 9" arm, sounded very good, no problems whatsoever.
Markpao....If indeed you have a Shelter, you will need a weight for the headshell, and it will be fine. The weight is VPI
>>If you know how to set up the VPI, it is a top level arm<<

Top level?

I don't think so.

Actually, having compared a number of them to other "top level" arms side by side, I know so.
Great news TZ, but honestly, for tracking ability and lack of inner groove "thinning" I prefer an old '80's Technics S arm and AT 130e to the VPI 9" w/Dyna cart, even the XX2. No, not as dynamic, not the same ultra-"black" backgrounds but otherwise, insultingly adequate.