Transrotor turntables

I was wondering how these perform. Mechanically and sonically. They do look very nice! Thanks.
I like the crescendo most in looks, and the price is not too crazy (relative to high end fantasy prices!) but does anyone know how this sounds ?

I really like the looks, especially for the price. However, not many reviews

This is a cool explanation of some of the technology that is used with the Free Magnetic Drive versions of Transrotor turntables. 


Might be my next upgrade. 

I was living in Köln and I saw one of the flagship Transrotors in a store window. I was wondering if it used a NASA built motor to drive it. I asked the owner what it would cost for him to ship it to the U.S. and that’s when any ideation of owning one was quashed. I’ve never had the chance to hear one so thanks for all of those posters who shared. I understand that Acoustic Solid tables have similar characteristics to the Transrotor line. Can anyone make a Transrotor to Acoustic Solid comparison?

@goodyfoot. Did you ever purchase the AS? I am considering getting a metal 111