brf, ''a problem which I feel does not exit''. Well existance is
not as easy as you think. The most physicist may have believed
that Higgs particle does exist but we in Europe spend huge
amount of money to prove that this particle realy exist. What you
feel is irrelevant for my question. You are entitled to say: ''I don't
care about your question'' but you are not entitled to state that
there is no tracking issue because you feel this way. What kind
of argument is this; ''oratio pro domo?''
For such statement you would need to repeit my experiment and
if your result is different you can then say: the issue does not exist
because I checked with test records made for this purpose.
As I mentiond before Benz LP S claims 80 microns by VTF of
2 g. while Windfeld claim 100 microns by 2,6 g. Do you think that
such claims are based on feelings?