Dear Paperw8,
You went to the effort to quote my comment about the the THIN BAR to which the trough mounts, and then conveniently side-stepped my point by IGNORING this bar and turning your attention to the trough itself.
The (relatively) heavy trough hangs off this (relatively) flimsy bar. I don't have time to make this any more obvious to you.
Yours is a classic straw-man argument and has no relevance to my point.
I completely agree with you and with Ralph, in that the Tri-Planar's arm wand is extremely well damped. It is however, not perfect. No tonearm is.
The well behaved properties of the Tri-Planar's arm wand is is no reason to ignore other sources of gremlins - vibrations entering from other points in the arm.
The more I learn about hi-fi, the more I learn that EVERYTHING matters, and the less inclined I am to be dismissive of others' observations.
I agree with you, that this forum is a cauldron of ideas from which we all distill and refine our collective knowledge.
I applaud that you want to spend more time listening to music, and as a designer, I frequently longingly look back at the "innocent times" when I didn't have to listen to my hi-fi so critically.
I for one however, am grateful for the efforts of people like Doug. The lifting he does, I don't t have to do. With infinite possibilities, no single one of us can track every last gremlin down.
Of course, we still have to pick and choose our battles, based on what makes sense to us, and this is dependent on our experience set.
Without a critical mind we run the risk of letting charlatans and snake oil salesmen who would help us part with our money.
There's a fine line however, between a discriminating mind and a closed one, and when you struggle to twist someone's words to suit your preconceptions, you have lost me.
Based on this logic (presuming that you're not a particle physicist), then quantum mechanics and string theory is all hogwash.
One final comment - many of the tweaks Doug suggests will be wasted on a mediocre turntable. The hierarchy still applies, and if you don't optimize your basic platform first (your turntable), then much of the ground Doug has traversed won't be appreciated.
I'll let others comment further. I have a turntable to release in time for the Audiofest ...
Thom @ Galibier
You went to the effort to quote my comment about the the THIN BAR to which the trough mounts, and then conveniently side-stepped my point by IGNORING this bar and turning your attention to the trough itself.
The (relatively) heavy trough hangs off this (relatively) flimsy bar. I don't have time to make this any more obvious to you.
Yours is a classic straw-man argument and has no relevance to my point.
I completely agree with you and with Ralph, in that the Tri-Planar's arm wand is extremely well damped. It is however, not perfect. No tonearm is.
The well behaved properties of the Tri-Planar's arm wand is is no reason to ignore other sources of gremlins - vibrations entering from other points in the arm.
The more I learn about hi-fi, the more I learn that EVERYTHING matters, and the less inclined I am to be dismissive of others' observations.
I agree with you, that this forum is a cauldron of ideas from which we all distill and refine our collective knowledge.
I applaud that you want to spend more time listening to music, and as a designer, I frequently longingly look back at the "innocent times" when I didn't have to listen to my hi-fi so critically.
I for one however, am grateful for the efforts of people like Doug. The lifting he does, I don't t have to do. With infinite possibilities, no single one of us can track every last gremlin down.
Of course, we still have to pick and choose our battles, based on what makes sense to us, and this is dependent on our experience set.
Without a critical mind we run the risk of letting charlatans and snake oil salesmen who would help us part with our money.
There's a fine line however, between a discriminating mind and a closed one, and when you struggle to twist someone's words to suit your preconceptions, you have lost me.
You are correct, people can discuss this stuff until they are blue in the face, but ultimately what counts is whether a person knows what they are talking about. In my case, I tend to make that determination based on whether I can make sense of what the person is saying.
Based on this logic (presuming that you're not a particle physicist), then quantum mechanics and string theory is all hogwash.
One final comment - many of the tweaks Doug suggests will be wasted on a mediocre turntable. The hierarchy still applies, and if you don't optimize your basic platform first (your turntable), then much of the ground Doug has traversed won't be appreciated.
I'll let others comment further. I have a turntable to release in time for the Audiofest ...
Thom @ Galibier