What is obvious to me is that you have a different tonearm than I have, because on my tonearm, the bar is rigid. In fact, the entire assembly of the trough and bar is rigid. It does not look like "flimsy" construction to me.
08-28-10: Thom_mackris
Dear Paperw8,
You went to the effort to quote my comment about the the THIN BAR to which the trough mounts, and then conveniently side-stepped my point by IGNORING this bar and turning your attention to the trough itself.
The (relatively) heavy trough hangs off this (relatively) flimsy bar. I don't have time to make this any more obvious to you.
You didn't say what it is that you design, but it doesn't appear to be electronic equipment (then again, judging from your comments about quantum mechanics, I gather you aren't a physicist either - as it turns out, I took a class in quantum mechanics when I was in college). If you look at the specifications of some audio equipment, you see that some makers list data that seem to have no practical value other than to look impressive. For example, the frequency response of an amplifier at 200KHz is of no significance to me - I can't hear frequencies that high anyway.
This is the point, you try to sort out what matters and what doesn't matter from the constant barrage of claims that you see relating to audio equipment. To sort it all out, you need more than buzzwords; you need good data and information. You say you're hearing what you're hearing. I'm not saying that you're aren't hearing what you say you're hearing. But if you can't give a logical explanation for why you are hearing what you are hearing, your opinion has less value to me. On the other hand, opinions that are attached to some rationale have more value to me. That's not being dismissive, and that's not being closed minded that's just my saying that you haven't given me enough information. I ask for a logical explanation and all I get are "wizard of oz"-type assertions of "we know what we're talking about! Don't question our knowledge!" Neither you, or anyone else here, owes me any specific information but I do evaluate information based on the extent to which it makes sense to me.
I mean, when I read stuff on this forum, one reaction that I have is that I find myself thinking with amazement over how some guys seem to blow a lot of time and money constantly turning over new equipment in pursuit of some "ultimate" audio experience. Hey, if you're got the time, money and motivation, then from my perspective, have at it - it's your time and your money as far as I'm concerned. But I'm just not one of those people who is looking to go out of my way to spend large amounts of time and money on audio. I'm thinking about it now because I am in the process of replacing components in a system that I have had for over a decade.