The input is appreciated, and your reasoning is sound, but your comment " internal step up transformers or not. The fact that it comes back in means the transformers are ok."
I believe is incorrect. There ARE no "internal" step up transformers-MC gain is a product of active tube gain which made this unit different than others.
Hopefully someone familiar with this circuit can correct one of us on what’s going on with it that topology.
Those 2 cans on top ARE NOT step transformers covers, if anyone thinks so. Those are to be precise- a random part that is the EXACT model which where used for footers on my REL Britannica B3 subs! They are there purely for aesthetic reasons.
"One odd thing that also might be causing it is that the filament of one tube may start to die out."
If it is a tube thing, I haven’t eliminated it because I’ve switched all positions with known "good" tubes.
Are there other components susceptible to becoming microphonic? First time encountering microphonics in my home audio gear. Very familiar it with my tube guitar amp.