trying to decide between Cary 303/300 and BAT CD

Does anyone have an opinion after hearing these two CD's. I use the Cary V12r and the First Sound Deluxe with Sonus Faber Grand Pianos soon to be Audes orpheus. I love tubes but fear that too much tubes could be muddy. I like the way you can switch to SS with the Cary, but I also hear Bat CD is out of this world. Any opinion?
the bat vk d5 was upgraded a while ago. i own one.

i also owned the cary player.

notice, i said owned the cary. i sold the cary because it did not respons to changes in tubes and did not sound like there was a tube in it.

the bat player has the same problem. it sounds like solid state.

in contrast, my audionote cd2 sounds like there is a tube in it. it has a "tube" sound. the other players have a solid state sound.

i made a mistake buying the bat because i did not audition it before buying it.
Does anybody have experience with both the Cary 303/300 and the Bryston BCD-1? I am looking at both and yes, I know there is a price difference but is the extra $$$ worth it?

I would appreciate some advice. I want to upgrade from my old original owned since new HK HD7600 bitstream unit that is near mint. (9/10, finger print shine on power and eject buttons) Thanks, Rick
I owned a Jolida for quite awhile. While I liked it the Cary 308 beat it handsdown. Imagine what a better Cary will do?