tube amp for b&w signature 805

I'm currently using Classe integrated CAP 151 to drive the Sig 805s. I like the "tubed-sound" and would like to experiment with either a pre/amp combo or an integrated unit. My budget is around $3000 for new or used. How does a pure tube pre/amp combo compare to hybrid tube pre/SS amp combo?

Any help is much appreciated.
The opinion of Bigkidz regarding B&W and SS is a common one. However, I had success with several tube amps with even more expensive B&W designs like Silver Signature, Signature 30, and even Nautilus 802 and 801. What you need is a powerfull tube amp with good speed and bass control. I've had good results with Aronov LS-9100 monos (I just sold my pair, but there is another one on gon right now , upgraded version, priced quite low). Also, Air Tight ATM-2 is a great for B&Ws, they pop up sometimes at under $3000. Audio research VT-100 MkII might work too, In fact, I am using one right now with my Sig 30. Might be selling it soon to go for CAT JL-2.
Just avoid single ended low powered amps, they don't have enough juice for B&W. If you go for solid state, there is only few which would satisfy you as a tube lover. The best for your speakers would be any Symphonic Line design. RG-1, RG-4, RG-7, if you can find it.

Good luck

Good luck

I know, I know, I gave a general reply. I do have a question for you about tube versus the SS amp with B&Ws, have you compared any in the same system and if so, what SS amps did you compare to. I am always looking for a good upgrade.

Thanks in advance.

Yes, I compaired a few amps in the same system.I just looked at your system and it's very good. You are using Pass, which is on the warmer side. The only area you might need improving could be the speed. As i mentioned above, for my taste, the best SS amps for B&W are Symphonic line. I think it's the only design which replaces tubes being super fast at the same time.
You have a monster $6000 amp, so, I would not recommend the RG series, which I mentioned in the previous post. I would go for Kraft reference 250 stereo or mono (250W class A). IMHO, the best solid state amp except the Kraft reference 400(400W class A), which is not in production any more.
I heard the 400 monos in my friends system driving huge Matrix 800, and it was stunning. Even Ken Stevens of CAT acknoleges they have the best bass in the world.
By the way, his new JL-2 is unbelievable as well. I am talking about these big boys because you alreeady have a big one, and to upgrade, you might have to go to that level.
Please let me know if I can be of any help.
I'm a REAL user of B&W Signature 805s, and also own Nautilus 805s. In addition, Gvatchna, I use 10.5W 300B monoblocks to drive them. In my experience (not opinion), 300B can make Signature 805 sing well.