The opinion of Bigkidz regarding B&W and SS is a common one. However, I had success with several tube amps with even more expensive B&W designs like Silver Signature, Signature 30, and even Nautilus 802 and 801. What you need is a powerfull tube amp with good speed and bass control. I've had good results with Aronov LS-9100 monos (I just sold my pair, but there is another one on gon right now , upgraded version, priced quite low). Also, Air Tight ATM-2 is a great for B&Ws, they pop up sometimes at under $3000. Audio research VT-100 MkII might work too, In fact, I am using one right now with my Sig 30. Might be selling it soon to go for CAT JL-2.
Just avoid single ended low powered amps, they don't have enough juice for B&W. If you go for solid state, there is only few which would satisfy you as a tube lover. The best for your speakers would be any Symphonic Line design. RG-1, RG-4, RG-7, if you can find it.
Good luck
Good luck
Just avoid single ended low powered amps, they don't have enough juice for B&W. If you go for solid state, there is only few which would satisfy you as a tube lover. The best for your speakers would be any Symphonic Line design. RG-1, RG-4, RG-7, if you can find it.
Good luck
Good luck