Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE

Recently acquired a pair of Spendor S3/5 SE from a Audiogon member. I am an audio enthusiast and mostly listens to Vocals at low to moderate volume. I never tried Tubes and really want to try them. Could you guys recommend me a tube amp in ~$1000 range. Because of easy biasing, i thought of trying Primaluna Prologue One, but i am afraid it will be underpowered for Spendors.
Rhljazz/R_f_sayles/Darkmoebius...thanks for the suggestions. I will start getting more details on the recommended amps. I may post more questions on these amps
You can also find a Manley Stingray integrated(50 wpc) for $1,250. Great amp for the money.
Guys..thanks a lot for all the excellent suggestions. I have decided to go with Primaluna Prologue Two. It's outside my budget range. So first i will try to get a used one, if i dont get, i will get a new one.

Between EL34 and KT88 tubes, which ones a first time tube guy like me should try?
Since your preference is vocals, go with the EL34 tubes. They will favor the mid/treble. Kt88's will give more bottom end weight and extension and more overall power which you indicate is unnecessary.