Tube Amplifiers: Carver Crimson 75 wpc or Primaluna Monoblocks

Looking for modestly powered tube amp to power high sensitivity speakers (> 92 db) in a new 12 × 16 foot listening room upstairs.  I have Canary 140 wpc monoblocks in my basement reference system and love them.  However, as I get older and tire of trying to lug around PassLabs 100 pound amps, I am setting up a low weight system.  The amps need to fit the following: 1) less than 50 pounds, 2) economical like under 5K, 3) at least 60 wpc, and 4) a recognized  extreme value piece of kit.  

I spoke with Don Sachs and he is semi-retiring or something along those lines.  He is not regularly building his amps/preamps anymore.  I did get on his waiting list with no real guarantees.

I appreciate your thoughts on the two amps I inquired about and any others that I did not. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
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Thanks Tvad! I checked out Aric Audio's website and like his product design and price structure. 
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Likely speakers: Decware Turningpoint HR-1, Decware DNA, Spatial Audio M5 Sapphire, or possibly Tekton Open Baffle speakers.