Tube amps under $7500

Ready to experiment with combinations never before (or not recently) tried. Step one requires a tube amp. Now looking at Prima Luna EVO 400 which sells for 5K. Any other tube amps I should consider in this price/feature range? Must come in silver with balanced input. For pairing experimentally with various tube and SS preamps. Efficient 4 ohm Legacy speakers (and the room/setup) are the constants.



@hickamore The Transcend Push Pull mentioned here previously is single chassis, and I can add fully balanced differential XLR Inputs to any of my amps.

I also build each piece by hand, so customization is easy, and two chassis units can generally be built into a single chassis as well with some careful execution of layout. I just wanted to point these things out for those reading the thread.

Best regards, Aric

@aricaudio Appreciate the information. You have caught my interest. Two questions:
1) I love 6SN7s as preamp tubes but have never seen them in a power amp before. Can you explain why in a way that a non-engineer can understand?
2) Did not see rated 4-ohm WPC on website. How would bass response compare to Parasound JC5 SS amp? I am not hoping to enter the Bi-Amp Derby.

"What is not feasible about Aric gear?"
Two-chassis, single end input only. 

@hickamore  Lots of posts on this thread, not sure if you missed response directly from Aric.  He offers balanced inputs and even offered to do a mimic of a silver metal chassis.  The Transcend recommended is single chassis, and I believe has the highest power options available.


@maxdukecapone Thank you for the mention! I wanted to add that any of my amplifiers can be fitted with fully balanced differential inputs at a modest upcharge (the cost of the Jensen input transformers and Neutrik XLR jacks). Additionally, I can also finish the chassis in a thin hardwood painted silver to mimic a silver metal chassis at no additional cost. Best regards, Aric


Equally important, what is your take on Aric bass presentation relative to A-A/B SS gear? 

I wish I new.  I was tempted to buy a Transcend push/pull, but decided I wanted to keep my Air Tight 6L6 amp and try something more different instead.  I would ask Aric directly.  He should know this answer best.  I have not worked with Aric, but I suspect he would provide honest feedback as other builders I am more familiar with who have some similarities thrive on satisfied customers spreading news about their product grassroots, not with big marketing campaigns.  


I can only comment on experiences relative to my benchmark gear.  It's all relative, which is why I asked what your benchmark currently is.  

For my 24 WPC Air Tight versus my previous ModWright KWA 150SE, I felt the Air Tight bass was surprisingly close.  I did not miss anything with depth or volume with the Air Tight, just lower overall gain.  On paper I believe the ModWright should perform better with transients, which may be true, but I didn't notice it.  I prefer the Air Tight bass overall as more realistic and palpable.  I never had the Air Tight paired with the Focus.  The ModWright was very good with the Focus.  Endless reserves of stupendous bass provided by the combination.  For my room and tastes the bass of the (older) Focus was boomy and untamable and not pleasurable long term.  That is not the fault of the ModWright, which is very controlled with high quality bass.  I would only call it lean in bass when comparing to more heavy handed amps.

As much as I like the Air Tight, my current speakers allow for a more forward presentation and I wanted to try something else.  I use my system for a lot of non-critical listening and wanted something if not as good, still pretty good that wouldn't burn up much or any tube life.  

I tried a Naim NAP 250 DR (used), which I really like and still currently have.  Bass is strong, well controlled, and deep as I would expect it to be.  The biggest difference compered to the Air Tight is gain/volume.  I wouldn't call it tubey, but I feel it has tube qualities that it is always smooth never fatiguing.  It is a great substituute for the Air Tight, but, if anything, too similar.

I happened to get my Air Tight from @grannyring here who I didn't know prior (great guy).  I recently came upon a ~2021 review of his about his Circle Labs A200 hyrid integrated.  Shortly after I read it a demo became available and I went for it.  I am really enjoying this amp so far overall.  Bass is not what I appreciate most about it, but it is a benchmark amp for me for bass, though I need much more time with it.  I have heard and felt bass in ways not previously experienced.  I believe it is the speed of the amp combined with the speed of my speakers.  On a track known to me I thought I had a buzz issue developing from the amp, and then found out I was hearing it in a way that my previous gear could not produce.  It's definitely a special amp.  I would be curious if I would experience similar qualities with a good Pass Labs or Coda amp, but have not had the pleasure of hearing them yet.

At the same time I had seen a Berning EA-230 on eBay and went for it.  Turned out to be in wonderful condition.  It is all tube.  I've seen discussions over the design, but no transformer, whatever the design may be called.  Doesn't run hot.  Tube life is very long, at least 10,000 hours I believe.  It is extremely clear, very detailed, absolutely no noise from my 96 dB speakers.  I think I would call it more forward, but it's so clear it draws you into the music and is romantic in a different way than that warm tubey sound.  It is as clear or clearer than my SS benchmarks.  Bass is very good.  I have a hard time believing it's a 30 WPC amp.  Bass is not flabby, but I think stronger compared to the Air Tight tube or the Circle Labs hybrid.

As of right now I'm enjoying switching between multiple amps and enjoying the different sound signatures of each, not necessarily trying to choose which is best.  


@hickamore Thanks for the interest, and the 4 ohm rating is the same as the 8 ohm ratings, as you don't gain power by dropping the load in a tube amp as you do with a solid state amp (well you do, but distortion rises, and power increases marginally). This is why we have multiple speaker output taps, so the impedance that the power tubes see stays the same, and matches the speakers connected to it. The power ratings are:


- EL34- triode-mode= 20 watts/U.L. mode=35 watts

- KT88- triode-mode= 25 watts/U.L. mode=45 watts

-KT120- triode-mode= 40 watts/U.L. mode=55 watts

-KT150- triode-mode= 45 watts/U.L. mode=65 watts


The 6SN7 is an extremely linear audio tube, and has a decently low output impedance so it makes an excellent input (which is similar to your preamp), and driver tube- to provide the correct volt out and impedance to drive the power tubes linearly and without slewing or roll-off on the frequency extremes. Many amplifiers use 12AU7s in thee positions as they're smaller, and require less heater current, but they are also not very linear- not anywhere near as linear when driven off of the plate as the 6SN7. The 6SN7's "body" and fullness is complimentary to the overall voicing of the amplifier. I've used several other tubes here, and the 6SN7 was simply the winner. 


As far as bass, the amplifier has very clean, tight and extended bass that extends nicely to below 30 hz. Since the feedback in the amplifier is variable/defeatable, you can dial in as much damping factor as you desire in the bass, or run in triode mode with no external feedback, the natural internal feedback of the tubes has solid control and extension in the bass range (but not quite up to par with UL mode with the NFB engaged fully). I drive my Spectre 12 vented loudspeakers routinely with this amplifier and in room response extends into the 20s, and has enough impact and definition to startle you with any style of music. I am a bass player, and have played in working bands all of my life, so solid, and extended bass is not something I consider trivial!

I hope this helps, Aric

@yoder  aric did respond directly and I am now conversing re the Transcend.

Appreciate your report on amps. Sorry I missed your earlier question. Reference(s) are Parasound Halo A21+ and JC5 to which I plan to upgrade if I don't go tube instead. Very pleased with its iron-grip control and musicality on the lowest frequencies.