VAC Avatar Super 80watts? How many tubes are there or is it an hybrid?
Hi C123666-Can you elaborate your Audiomat a little?
Robm321 I agree with you. Seperates theoretically should offer a better sound. But now I got to agree that Int Tube Amps can offer very good(even high-end)sound with much lesser price. SS do have many good Int amps but good ones are not cheap at all. I see quite a number of Chinese made amps listed here. I think ASL, Jolida and Consonace(made very good KT66) also made in China.
Forgot to mention Unison. I used the S2 EL34 SET int amp b4. Very sweet sounding and 12 watts, it drives JMLabs very well. Can some 845, 211 and 300B int amp owners share some of your stuffs also?
Blessed are you who loves tube int amps, for you'll enjoy endless supply of low price high quality stuffs from the east.
Hi C123666-Can you elaborate your Audiomat a little?
Robm321 I agree with you. Seperates theoretically should offer a better sound. But now I got to agree that Int Tube Amps can offer very good(even high-end)sound with much lesser price. SS do have many good Int amps but good ones are not cheap at all. I see quite a number of Chinese made amps listed here. I think ASL, Jolida and Consonace(made very good KT66) also made in China.
Forgot to mention Unison. I used the S2 EL34 SET int amp b4. Very sweet sounding and 12 watts, it drives JMLabs very well. Can some 845, 211 and 300B int amp owners share some of your stuffs also?
Blessed are you who loves tube int amps, for you'll enjoy endless supply of low price high quality stuffs from the east.