I recently purchased an SRC SP6B from a reputable used dealer for less than $1000.00
It is fantastic in my system. I used to sell ARC products, and they are the one brand I would always look to for a pre-amp.
However, WATCH the years and models. Some are much better than others. Your budget will probably not allow to get the latest ones, but by just a quick check on ebay, there are at least 6 available in your budget.
Check the reviews and write-ups first, and check other used sources. You will be happy you did!
It is fantastic in my system. I used to sell ARC products, and they are the one brand I would always look to for a pre-amp.
However, WATCH the years and models. Some are much better than others. Your budget will probably not allow to get the latest ones, but by just a quick check on ebay, there are at least 6 available in your budget.
Check the reviews and write-ups first, and check other used sources. You will be happy you did!