Tube Preamp - What to buy?

Looking to take my first venture into the tube world and going with a tube preamp.  My budget is up to $2500 and willing to buy used or new however realize with my budget that used is probably a better path. I would like to have a built-in MM phone stage.  I am use to having a remote and tone controls, so that would be nice however not a necessity.  

For further information my speakers are Revel Performa3 F206 and the current amp(s) is Conrad Johnson SA-250 and I also have a Rotel RB1552.  I many be looking for an amp upgrade in the future, but one thing at a time. 

So far I have been looking at used Audio Research and Conrad Johnson preamps but very open to opinions on brand and model.  Thanks and I look forward to your opinions and experiences.  
I recently purchased an SRC SP6B from a reputable used dealer for less than $1000.00

It is fantastic in my system.  I used to sell ARC products, and they are the one brand I would always look to for a pre-amp.

However, WATCH the years and models.  Some are much better than others.  Your budget will probably not allow to get the latest ones, but by just a quick check on ebay, there are at least 6 available in your budget.

Check the reviews and write-ups first, and check other used sources.  You will be happy you did!

You might want to consider a new Rogue RP1 or maybe you can find a used RP5.  Also might be able to find a used Modwright.  In my opinion both companies are US based, offer great value and great customer support.  They are also stand alone companies offering newer design, components and resale.  Both great businesses to work with if needed.  
Many great choices given thus far.  I would look for a CAT - Convegant Audio preamp, an excellent piece with a built in phono.

Good luck, 
Check out a Black Ice Fusion F360, although you'd need to add a phono preamp to hit your target.  Plenty of those to choose from.  This has some innovative tone/eq circuits built in.
OP, when I was shopping for a pre the brands you listed were high on my list.  I went with a Mcintosh C2500 and I had to save longer but it has been worth it.  The 2500 reacts nicely to tube rolling, has two phono sections, MM & MC and of course it's a Mac.  As previously posted here, look for Mcintosh C2300 it's older and therefore a bit cheaper.