Tube Preamps.....

I am running 2 GFA 565 Musical Comcepts modded Amps with Vandersteen 2ce v2. I am looking for a good quality tube preamp. With or without a built in dac. Should I stick with shopping for a used Mac? Or should I look at others also. Suggestions? Like to keep it under $3000. Could stretch to 3500. Thanks for your input. 
I haven’t heard the Don Sachs but it looks nice plus he’ll work with you on upgrades to my understanding, a big plus. I have lived with a 6SN7 based output tube preamp up to a few years ago, still have it but it doesn’t hold a candle to my Bill Thalmann upgraded Vintage CJ PV9a in any parameter of performance. The Classic 2 SE with the teflon caps used, no longer available new is killer for the money and beyond but no remote, definitely worthy of consideration. 

I have the CJ classic 2 SE pre amp and my goodness is it good. However CJ stopped making this and now their entry model is the ET3 which is the same as Classic 2 but with remote control. I can not sing enough praises on this pre-amp, I’ll probably never upgrade.

Another +vote for a Conrad Johnson classic  2SE or ET-3/3SE.

Happy Listening!

shrapnel: the CJ ET3 and Classic 2 preamps are completely different designs, with no relation other than they were both designed and produced by CJ.  The ET3 is based on technology used for the GAT preamp while the Classic 2 is essentially an update of the PV-10BL preamp.  Both are great amps but were designed for different user expectations and different price points.

patores: personally, I would take the advise of the others who have advised you to skip the preamp/DAC combination.  To paraphrase Peter, Paul and Mary "Preamps live  forever but no so little DACs..."

Hi, reading the string with interest. I had a CJ 12AL (12au7 tubes) pre for several years which was a warm/lush preamp for sure. A beautiful sounding piece. I replaced it with a Odyssey Candela preamp to mate with my Odyssey Stratos. It leans to warm aide of neutral and responds greatly to nos tuberolling. I default back to bugle boys. I assume it falls well within your $3K limit but a call to Klaus could answer any questions that you may have.
Take care.