Tube Research Labs Dude vs. Shindo Labs preamps

I am in the market to look for a tube preamp. I have narrow down my choices to Tube Research Labs Dude and a comparable price Shindo Labs.

Can anybody provide me your experience to help me to make a better decision? Better yet, have anybody compared them side by side before?

I have heard many preamps in my time but unfortunately have not heard the "Dude" I own a Shindo Auriges with phone stage and it is simply the best, by far preamp, I have ever heard. If you love the sound of a live musical experience the Shindo brings me closer to that then anything else. I wish I could afford one of there power amps
So all the Dude/Shindo boys will write in and praise their units using the same thoughts used in other threads that they have already posted. I am sure you have read them all.

Why these two preamps? Because you read all the hype?

Buy and try. Start with the Dude because it .....
I don't know if anyone has compared these two preamps so it may be quiet on that subject.

You may have read my review and I can say with confidence the Dude is in a class of very few regardless of price.

You are welcome to listen to my Dude compared to any pre you decide on. Just bring your pre over and you can compare.Sell the pre that pleases you the least. Perhaps you are close enough were I can bring my Dude over. Most likely won't find a used Dude but can find the other pre in question.

I have compared the Dude to many a top end pre and the Dude has always sounded more like music.

Hope you hear from someone that has compared both.