I don’t want a syrupy or bloated tube sound, more airy and detailed on the top with holographic imaging with solid heft on the bottom end.
I believe this preamp uses 12AU7's. Do you know how many and is there a phono stage?
Amperex and Telefunken fit your requirements. Amperex Bugle Boys have deep 3D imaging, they're transparent with a liquid midrange Can be too extended on top in some systems. Older Amperex Command Series are more refined with the same qualities.
Telefunken is a revealing and dynamic tube with excellent 3D sonics. Mids are more upfront. But, they are costly.
Cifte, made by Mazda, has the same attributes as the Amperex Bugle Boys.
A best buy tube is the RCA Cleartop, neutral to warm with extension and air on top.
Read about tube types at
Brent Jessee is one of the best dealers and his website is most informative. He also does exchanges on tubes. Upscale does not.