@astolfor in which bit of gear ? I have several tube experts i source from and trust greatly. In general I like RAM ( Roger Modjeski ) for hyper strict grading of current production tubes. His many many variable computerized testing system washes some 90% of certain tubes out. His Ultra low noise 6922 are what i use in his RM-9. we lost the genius, RIP but RAM lives on. I also use an E Bloc EL-34 of his…a Phat EL-34 for sure.
For NOS w a bias to USA, i use Andy at Vintage Tube in Michigan, somewhat tough to reach it is worth being persistant. He also is a test equipment freak and meticulous… ( sense a trend ? ) i buy many Amperex, RCA, Tele and importantly Power supply USA Tung Sol from him. A NJ 1960 Tung Sol 6550 in an ARC Ref5se is transformative.
Finally, while i am a relatively new client of Brent Jesse i am favorably impressed w some ancient Mullards i sourced recently along w some RCA long grey for a 1961 MC240 project.
Hope this helps.