Tubes vs. solid state.

I just switched back to my ss equipment and can't see how I listened to ss for so many years and thought that I had a good system, maybe the equipment needs to be left on for some time.
But regardless of that, the difference is startling. I know that my tube equipment is not the same degree of excellence as my ss, but now ss sounds lean, thin lifeless. Have my listening priorities changed? One thing I noticed; my listening perception adapts to the sound present in the room. As I write this the sound is improving incremently.
Anyone share the same experience??
I will post as I will continue to listen and notice differences.
Ss is simaudio p-5 w-5, tubes are Cj premier 4 amp and audio experience a2se preamp.
Are there ss preamps that will satisfy or am I smitten by bubes I mean tubes.
What is the ultimate goal of any design, SS, or Tube? Is it not the uncolored and neutral/faithful reproduction of the original recording?
I will argue that any well engineered, well executed design will accomplish this goal. Tubes, as well as solid state designs, are equally capable.
In a press release a few years ago from McIntosh, the statement was made that their SS gear was superior to their tube equipment.
I own tubes, as well as SS. They are both very good.
Is it that live music is often reinforced by tube amplified equipment? I have read that many musicians prefer tube amplifiers over solid state, and, if true, then "live performances" would be closer to a home stereo system powered by tubes.
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