tuner better than turntable ? thread.

Hi,I started that thread a few months ago, and had said the top turners sound better than top turntables.

Well, I have to clarify, tuners like the Dynalab 108 and 109
in their stock form are very good but not as good as the best tables, but

a modified tuner with teflon coupling caps will actually
exceed the table, In my opinion.

I did not know that the my friends tuner had been modified.

I didn't realize till another friend bought a 108 and it didn't sound any where near as good as my friends 109 so
I asked him why, and my (jerk)friend just told me about the
teflon caps he had installed. Dooooooow

The modified tuner is about 30-40% better! than the stock
It was more extended and way more transparent!

By the way, teflon caps are expensive $40 to $200 ea., depending on values but if you have a vacuum tube preamp or tube power amp, you can upgrade your
audio equipment to a new level without selling your pieces.

It will transform your unit with extension especially top end, and with transparency that will amaze.

Just make sure you substitute the coupling cap with same value (uf) and voltage rating.

Hi Bobheinatz;

that's the spirit, experiement than report to us.

Also, if you change the coupling capicitors with teflon
in your 106T, you will be shocked.
It's about a 30 percent upgrade!
you can also change the wire from the connectors to circuit board with some hiend stuff to further the improvement.
Hi Newbee;

you asked; "Are you suggesting that I can mod this tuner as you did and actually 'improve' (not just change) its performance? Are you sure? Or have you just brought up the level of the reproduction capability of YOUR tuner? "

are they not the same? not sure which is which,
bottomline is the "see thru transpacency, dynamics,
and improved intimacy " is night and day.

it takes the tuner to the level that's even better than vynal.

I would also say that your 106T or even the 108T in it's stock version for is NOT as good as my vynal rig.

I have an older version of the Da Vinci wooden arm and magnetic bearing turntable, with an inexpensive Bluenote
Boboli signature cartridge.
I love the bluenote cartridges, and their voicing.
Also using the humble microbenz Luc. phonostage.
Hi Tdaudio;

I agree, "FM is designed to be at a disadvantage to vinyl in two important ways."

That's the reason why I started this thread!

I'm just amazed what the FM can accomplish.
shocking really. I can't explain it, just so much I don't know.

most don't agree with me, which is not surprising, but what is surprising to me is how good FM really is?
Jimpcn, if you're happy that's great. I have no doubt you have a wonderful tuner. No matter how good it is, you have no control over the technical limitations of the FM band and the horrible things that most stations do to the signal to make it even more limited. Happy listening.

Hi Al;

you aked;
"Did you compare the two tuners in the same system and room?"
no I did not, but am familiar with both systems and have alot of experinece in audio systems, that said your right,
there is a small element of uncertanty,

Otherwise, how do you know that the caps were responsible for the differences you heard?
because from what I understand is that the 108T and 109T
are basically the same unit using the same circiut boards
but the expensive display,metters and thick aluminum faceplates are different.

"And was the 108 the original older version, or the updated 108T version?"
it is the latest 108T, just one month old.

" And whichever 108 it was, how can you conclude that the upgraded caps in the 109 were the reason it sounded better than the 108, considering that they are different models?"

like I said, I understand the difference are only cosmetic.
and the same circiut boards are being used, hope I don't get into trouble with Dynalab. :>(