BTW... I notice your settings are very close to my final settings.
Remember it is hard to leave these alone with so many
controls, but try!
Every once in awhile you will feel the urge to change
due to different recordings, but I'm sure you will alway's
return to your initial starting points.
I now own Wisdom Adrenalines which have the same basic
crossover functions and am now retweaking all over again.
Does it ever end?? ;o) (Hope not)
Remember it is hard to leave these alone with so many
controls, but try!
Every once in awhile you will feel the urge to change
due to different recordings, but I'm sure you will alway's
return to your initial starting points.
I now own Wisdom Adrenalines which have the same basic
crossover functions and am now retweaking all over again.
Does it ever end?? ;o) (Hope not)