Turn off or leave on?

I am curious to know what others are doing with respect to powering on/off their hifi systems. My system like most is a mix of tube and SS components: tube gear (mono amps, preamp, and phono). SS gear consists of (SACD/CD player, DAC, server, and external clock) and I have a conventional DC powered motor for my LP player.  On days when I know I will listen to music, I turn it all on and leave it on until I go to bed at which time I turn it all off. I have read that it is better to leave SS components on (limit the number of temperature swings associated with powering up) and only power down tube gear (extend tube life).  Many of the components have power saving features so they shutdown after an inactive period but that is more of a sleep mode as I understand it and not the same as a true power down.  Not to complicate the question further, all the amps are hybrid so they have in effect both tubes and transistors  My SS gear is a dCS Vivaldi One plus external Vivaldi clock, server is Taiko Extreme, and my amps are all from Tenor Audio. LP player is AMG 12 that uses a typical external DC motor always left on and powered up.


TURN OFF!!!  We're killing the planet enough already... you can wait a stupid 30mins to reach your audio nirvana for the sake of our future.... which of course is screwed no matter what we do now...... but still.....  

Regarding turning off devices to save energy… Just be aware, as long as you are hitting your house, you may as well leave these things on. All they are doing is contributing to the heat in the home, and so you are using your furnace less. This is even true for lightbulbs. The only difference is if you have a heat pump system, which is more efficient than other sources of heat.

All solid state gear should be left ON all the time. That's their happy zone.

My domestic keeper has tried over and over to find enough excess electricity usage to make the case against power-on but has failed miserably.

My Aesthetix gear specifically instructs to turn off when not in use--i presume to preserve tube life. I'm curious whether other manufacturers give instructions on this as well ?  If they don't i would contact them and ask them.

Just received an Esoteric K-03XD SACD Player.  The manual is very clear.  When not in use, turn off.  Can't be more plain than that.