Turn Table upgrade, please advise

Thank you for reading this post. I've been in TT & records for about a year and really love the sound of vinyl. I finally thinking about upgrade my analog rigs. I currently have Clear Audio Champion Level II with 9 inch Unify arm, Twister clamp, Clearaudio Balance phono stage and zyx Air high output cartridge, going through Emotive Audio Sira LE preamp, VAC MkII Signature and finally the SAP J2001 MKII horn speakers.
I'm looking to upgrade my Unify arm to something diffirent but not sure what to go with. Any inputs, comments will be greatly appreciate.
I'm listening to classical 70% and jazz 30% on the system right now.
Also, my budget should stay under 2k. The amp is actually a VAC 70/70 Signature Mk III. Thanks!
Entry level Schroder arm at $2150. That arm will do justice to a Universe! Honestly, I think it's the buy of the century in tonearms.
I second the Scroeder. Most other unipivots (ex: Moerch) may offer some improvement -- but probably not as significant as the Schroeder. IMO, etc)