Picking this thread up late, but still very relevant discussion. I thought my "high quality" AC line surge protector would do the job, but I'm glad I read the posts. Emailists is right about cable TV lines. My area is served by Comcast and I'm pretty sure the cable is above ground. I guess the problem is that a lightning strike could work its way through the cable, into my TV, and then into my preamp, into the amp to ground!! Yikes, the best line surge protector in the world won't help me in the event that scenario occurred.
Aren't there surge protectors out there that can also protect above ground cable TV inputs? And BTW, if a lightning strike came in through cable, a PurePower AC regenerator will not help!!
If I understand the science correctly, then the best advice is to disconnect the AC mains and TV cable, if the latter is from an above ground network. Does the forum concur?