I have to echo the sentiments some others have expressed.
I'm not sure how to reconcile your observations about all the terrible surface noise obscuring the delicate musical content on LPs, with my own experience of vinyl on my system.
One of the most surprising and gratifying observations I had upon upgrading my old turntable and cartridge to my new system is how low the noise floor seems to have become on most records, and how incredibly clear and finely rendered even the most delicate musical detail is.
When I play LPs for some of my musician pals, they often comment it sounds as silent (in terms of record noise/hiss) as a CD. I'm constantly amazed at how the tiniest musical detail just seems to go the edge of audibility. I often can't even hear the noise floor on an LP. Even when there is a slow fade out of a song, often it seems to fade slowly to the very edge of audibility and disappear in to blackness. Not all records, of course. But on a good portion of my records.
Now, I'm not going to jump on the 'your set up must be crap' bandwagon, as I don't have the greatest turntable one can buy, and yours sounds like it should be excellent.
So all I can do is notice how utterly different my observation and experience seems from yours. Weird.