wharts comments #1, mulveling comments # 2, inna comments #3, my comments, maybe #10.
Take your time with the vinyl route. Costs rise exponentially. An Oops moment with a !0K - 15 K cartridge will hurt. I agree with whart, we are in the golden age the Golden Age of Analog.
Take your time, your budget will get you a Great analog rig to start. You can go as far as your wallet will take you. You do not need to spend it all right away.
I became a DD convert in April 2018. Modded Technics SL1200 G w/Triplanar Classic SE arm. Bought a Kuzma TT in 2016. Unless I win a large lottery, these will be my last TTs.
Isolation; A separate room for the TT and gear or TTs and gear. Only cost me 800K. You will still want some extra isolation. Don't forget about all of those boxes for this stuff. You need a room just for them.
This should be fun, use your ears.
Best on your Journey