Turntable or go into SACD, Simon Yorke vs EMM Lab

I need some help here with a decision. I am deciding with futher upgrading my turntable or waiting longer & getting a SACD player (probably EMM unless anyone heard something better or close).
I currently have a Nottingham Hyperspace, wave mechanic,, and a SME V w. Koetsu Urushi. My other front end is the Audio Aero Cap. II. I am able to get a great deal on a Simon Yorke with all the extras. I can't figure out if I should upgrade or wait & eventually go SACD. I currently own only about 200 great records and about 800 OK ones. So whatever I buy will probably be available in one format or the other since I find CD OK but not great. Anythought or opinions is appreciated.
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Hi Elizabeth,

Where can I find out about this BluRay? I have no idea what it is. Sounds interesting.
For some BluRay discussions go to:


(I ain't biting.)
I'm not worried about BlueRay.

You already have a great turntable, and a superb arm and cartridge. I've never heard a Simon Yorke, but the reputation this 'table holds is stellar. If you really can get a "great deal" then it certainly would be very exciting to go that route. You have a very fine CD player too, so I can see good reasons for not thinking about SACD at this time in order to get the fine Redbook reproduction that often (but not always) come with the top SACD units.

The only thing I do not know - and perhaps you simply cannot know this either until you buy the turntable and fit it with your arm and cartridge - is just how much of an improvement the Simon Yorke would be over your Nottingham.

Is everything else ship-shape? Phono stage, amplifiers, speakers, cables, isolation, room treatment? Forgeting the SACD idea for a second, is the Simon Yorke upgrade the best way to spend your money?

I sense that you have a case of the tweakies.

You don't mention having any SACD software so I take it you don't. I have spoken recently with a few long-time SACD users who are selling their units and investing in very high-end redbook. The concenses with these guys seems to be that SACD is ok, but not that much better to warrant a new library (which is limited) of music in another format. But everyone is different. Metralla makes a very good point about other components in your system. You may get more for your money upgrading another component.