Turntable upgrade recommendations, please.


I am a bit of a newbie, but have have been chasing the "magic" every since I got started on this journey about 2 years ago. My system currently consists of:

Denon dp-47f w/ a Denon 301 mkII cartridge
McIntosh MAC6700
Magnepan 1.6qr

I am interested in upgrading my turntable, assuming that there are real sonic benefits to be had from a new rig at approx. $2500. I have been looking at the usual suspects from VPI, Rega, Pro-ject, etc. 

I am curious to hear if those of you with more experience can tell me how my Denon stacks up against these and if the view will be worth the climb. To my ears, the Denon sounds good, but I am anxious to upgrade if there are significant gains to be heard.

I am also very interested in a McIntosh MT2, but haven't seen any new info or announcements on the release.

Please share your opinions and experiences. 

Thanks in advance!

For those who may be interested, I spent some time at my McIntosh Dealers shop today and inquired about the soon-to-be-released McIntosh MT2. He called Mc for me to see if he could get a release date and pricing. I was stoked to hear that Mc will likely begin shipping next month, but disappointed to find out that the pricing given at the Munich High End show last May has changed considerably.

It was reported at the show and subsequent publications that the pricing was expected to come in at $2500, which is right in my budget. They were willing to take my order, but the price is now $4k. The price includes a Sumiko Blue Point #2 cart.

So... the search continues!

I did listen to the MT10 today just for grins. Really, really nice!  Just 4x my current budget. But really nice.

Effischer,  I did see that one. Thanks for the suggestion. I think I'm looking for something that will better match visually with my gear.

Has anyone here seen or heard the EAT C sharp?
If you would get any VPI tt with the 3d arm, you will far ahead of the other tt mentioned. Any Denon, old SOTA, rega, etc.. tt will be limited by the tonearm, meaining you will be limited on moving up the cartridge line, that’s where you will see SQ gains overtime. If you like a specific tt like a Denon/SOTA/basis/rega/other brands, upgrade the arm to a VPi 3d 10” or 12”, Graham, Tri-planar the you will be able to upgrade your cartridge at anytime. But the cost of any of these tonearms will be more than the cost of a VPi prime tt new
I would budget a grand for your cartridge, even if you lower your tt budget. I have a Dynavector 20x2, and it changed my analog life. It’s on a $1000 turntable feeding a $1500 phono preamp. I agree about buying new, or at least pay your dealer to check and set up your gear before the return period ends. Online I like Jerry Raskin’s Needle Doctor. Have fun!