This solution is not practical for most and I realize the my not be possible for you. How about thinking out of the bigger box into a smaller box. Put you entire front end in a near by closet on your choice stand solution. Maybe you can spend less money on a stand. Maybe it's slightly more costly and goes grain of having the shortest possible cables in all positions. This approach gives the great isolation from all air and most floor passed vibration. If you have a slab floor then there's no floor vibrations. I've done and hear great results. IMHO having lived with this now, I would never-ever put my front end in open space in my sound room, regardless of great (usually) stand solutions.
There are other benefits too: My musical experience is improved also for another reason because I'm not looking at my equipment while listening - my weakness not yours. My wife loves it readily gave up that closet for this.
There are other benefits too: My musical experience is improved also for another reason because I'm not looking at my equipment while listening - my weakness not yours. My wife loves it readily gave up that closet for this.