Tweak Pink Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Okay has any tried this? 
This thread amused me at WBF and I am sure the responses here will too. I am not an anti-tweak guy.


Post removed 

@mahgister not in the modern era the engines are sealed. 

Even a F1 car can benefit from humble tweak by an inspired mechanics...

Think a second, do you think the only thing that matter for F1 performance is in the sealed engine ?

Example simple , putting the air in the tire is an art in F1 , who do you think think the first about it , varying it in fonction not only of temperature and rain but about the different steps of a race ?

Suspension did not matter?

Mechanism of brake and the way to improve it ?

The ergodynamic of the seat and acess to command button ?

Is it not tweaking a bit each year to win a race ?

I am not even a mechanics and i can imagine solution to improve as i did for my system /room ..

Even rocket going to the moon can be tweak right fully or not ...

Any mechanism can be "oiled" or improved in some way...

We can even tweak our brain working ... Try relaxation in front of salt lamp to solve a mathematical problem ...

Now try to solve one in a non relaxed condition ..

Engineering is an art BEFORE and AFTER being an applied science ... As medecine is....( Not for Rockfeller controlled medecine though after the very " useful " Flexner report in 1910 used in some very specific direction and interests , some dont want free thinking individuals) I will stop here because i am far away from salt lamp ...😁

but not so much because salt lamp is better cure for covid than the imposed official "solution" ...

Oups! i go too far .......


«Logic is not the solution, it could be problem »---Groucho Marx 🤓



@mahgister not in the modern era the engines are sealed.



Sounds great but when I went to Amazon to check it out, this was the first review I came across:

He said it exploded on his first attempt. Maybe he had set too hot?

All the best,

@nonoise Can not speak for that person, been using it for years and NO SELF RESPECTING GRILL MASTER COOKS ON GAS!

Sorry for the upper case. I only cook on wood fires and have never had an issue. I also kill my own food.