Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?

Has anyone found tweaks that really improve their EMM CDSA SE? I am experimenting now -- trying to improve its performance.
Thanks for all that good info Sabai.
I can't find the Beaks.
That's interesting about the silk cushion.
I have not heard about using cloth under a component,
but whatever works!
Rgs92, raw silk is known as one of the best natural absorbers of unwanted frequencies because of its irregular fiber structure. If you dig a bit on the internet you will find people selling raw silk to put around speaker binding posts, etc. I have known about "audio silk" for a long time. I had a couple of silk-covered cushions lying around the house and one day it came to me -- "why not"? I put a silk cushion under my CDP -- BINGO !! An immediate and not subtle improvement in the sonics. I'm sure the high quality of the material in the cushion helps, as well. Until I get my Synergistic Research MiGs the cushion stays put under my CDP. I will compare the MiGs to the cushion and report back here next month when I pick them up from an authorized dealer overseas where I live. Regarding the Totem beaks, all you need to do is get on the Totem Acoustic site and find a dealer near you. Or call Totem and they will help you out. I am picking up a few sets of Totem beaks next month from an overseas dealer so if I can locate them overseas without a problem you'll certainly be able to find the beaks quickly in your location. I see that EMM has just introduced an X upgrade -- a hardware upgrade, not a software upgrade -- for $5,000. This puts the retail price of the EMM CDSA SE at a hefty $16,500. It doesn't look like EMM will be offering any free software upgrades -- anytime soon. Apparently the X upgrade delivers about 90% of the new EMM XDS1 that retails for $25,000. I am choosing to go a different route -- one that reportedly gives better results than the X upgrade and is more versatile because it can be used with any CDP -- the Synergistic Research PowerCell 10SE -- the latest version that includes a free Tesla Plex -- an upgraded model (I have the original Tesla Plex in my system) and also an upgraded Precision Reference power cord. I am picking up the PowerCell next month and will report back on the sonic results with the EMM. Both the new EMM X upgrade and the PowerCell are supposed to produce 3D sonics. I will not be able to provide an A/B report but I will be able to report my impressions. I know you own the EMM CDSA SE. Are you contemplating the X upgrade? By the way have you tried Schumann resonance devices? I have two SW1 units in my system and they do a nice job of sound stage enhancement.
Sabai--great post. Lots of info I have never seen, especially in terms of the CDSA. Thanks! I am mulling over the X-upgrade idea. So far, I just use Hydra-8 and a Telwire powercord (some more expensive cords slowed the bass or introduced some hyper-highs/nervousness). Stealth Indra XLRs also seem to bring out the best, most natural sound, especially in the frequency extremes: the controlled unmuddy low bass and upper highs that have a touch of warmth that is really nice.

My one concern is that upgrades that affect soundstaging often add some high-frequency prominence along with that.
In my experience, Wilson and Kharma speakers have done that,
where some awesome staging was accompanied by some TMI/listening-fatigue as the price.

Right now, the CDSA-se just seems to get the right combination of reach and truth w/o any cold or steeliness, even on
analytically-recorded CDs (or at least CDs that sound that way on other players).

Most who have commented on the the big EMM XDS1 or the X-upgrade mention the "3D"-ness. That's a kind of nice-to-have thing, but not a necessity IMO, where tonality is king for me.
Rgs92, thanks very much. Since the EMM X upgrade and the Synergistic Research PowerCell 10SE (that includes a new model Tesla Plex SE, a Precision Reference power cord with a 3-lead option and a standard MPC) both promise 3D sound reproduction I will opt for the SR. I have no way of knowing which 3D effect would be more pleasing to me, of course, and I have no way of A/Bing the two, so this is a crap shoot. But setting up my system, not being able to audition ANYTHING, has been a crap shoot. I have let my intuition be my guide and, frankly, I am more that happy with the results so far. I already have a partial 3D effect since I started tweaking my system and it is very agreeable. Any added 3D effect from either option would be first class, I'm sure, albeit different in one or another respect. I agree with you that tonality is #1 and the EMM CDSA SE provides me with wonderful tonality right now -- enhanced by my many tweaks. The thing is that the PowerCell will not only treat my EMM it will also treat all the other components and cables in my system so the synergy should be excellent. If I add the Galileo MPC the sound should be truly outstanding, including an enhanced sound stage -- one of the main improvements promised by the EMM X and the SR PowerCell. Two other factors that I have considered are that going the SR route provides me with more versatility. If, one day, I change my CDP I will still have the PowerCell. The other factor is that, since I live overseas, having the EMM X upgrade done would be very costly -- shipping both ways. The SR option will save me a lot of money. Also, doing an EMM X upgrade would mean no music for quite a while, whereas when I pick up the PowerCell next month it will be in my system when I arrive home. For you the EMM X upgrade may be the best choice since you already have the Hydra and excellent cables. I don't have a power conditioner yet and I have such a complicated mix of cables that treating the whole system right from the wall receptacle seems to be the most logical approach for me to take and looks like it will give me the best chance at having a better sonic experience. I will soon be adding more Totem beaks and a few sets of SR MiGs to the system, too. IMHO, you can never have enough top quality tweaks in your system. Each one adds to the synergy.
Rgs92, there is an Audiogon thread called "SR Tesla PowerCell or Dedicated Circuits ????" where people comment on the Hydra 8. You may be interested in having a look.