Two of the most powerful words ever

What if?

What if I try this? What if I do it this way? What if I try it, even though I’ve been told it can't possibly work? What if they’re wrong? What if it does work? What if what I've been taught is wrong, or incomplete? Have any real advances ever been made without someone asking, what if?


WHAT IF!!    I had not completely surrendered my life to GOD which freed me from a 21 YR. ADICTION of alcohol and marijuana use and 9yrs of smoking crack cocaine  would I now be in jail or institutionalized or in an unknown grave. 25YRS. NOT A DRINK OR A DRUG JUST JESUS.  WHAT IF!

There's a lot of 2 word combos' 'out here'...*L*
It's the pair that gets' uttered without the chance to finish the sentence...;)

WHAT the
Don't touch
Stop, now
I came
I didn't
But it
Oh, it
Sorry, but
You mutha

...a whole 'conversation', unto itself....but, you get the drift... ;)


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