Ok you win fancy AC cables have nothing to do with accuracy in an electronic signal.
Two questions to make you mad.
#1 Why is it that the worlds most sophisticated and accurate machine the (ASML) TWINSCAN NXE:3600D doesn’t use special AC or signal cables to make 3nm semiconductors. Audiophiles need special cables for accuracy?
#2 Why is it that you can always tell when a piano is playing live, or even an electric guitar is playing live 2 houses away directly into an amp through walls and windows?
In the 1960s Electro Voice announced that their speakers could reproduce exactly accurate sounds, many believed them.
We are fooling ourselves, our hobby is full of lies and we can’t even face facts.
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- 80 posts total
@donavabdear Really? Your agenda is revealed. Paint a completely ridiculous scenario with no connection to audio so you can then justify a conclusion based on nothing factual. You want to discuss the merits of various cables used in the audio hobby, do so in a honest manner. |
@texbychoice |
Was the difference worth the cost for you? Only you can answer that question. Same for every other individual that is inclined to be frugal or go big $ with their system. Broad generalized statements that cables make a huge difference or can't possibly make a difference are worthless. Similarly, extrapolating and extending must include all the variables involved when comparing which AC cable is used in audio versus another application. No doubt Audio Precision power supply, filtering, grounding, shielding, components, construction, etc. are designed to handle the good, bad, and ugly AC power. All Audio components are not necessarily designed to the same standards. Different AC cables may, emphasize may, make a difference in the audio realm. Refer to the work of Galen Gaeris to learn the science involved in cable design. Reviewers and other opinions based only on R, L, and C only scratch the surface. Everyone does not need a cable designed by Galen Gaeris. Neither is it correct to say there is no difference in cable performance. Try different cables, or not. Just don't claim what worked, or not, for you can be universally applied to every other situation. Same for reviews or measurements - no universal truth to be found there. |
@texbychoice Thanks for the thoughtful post and the reference. To your question I bought a Boulder Preamp and that made a huge difference, and I just added 2x power filters (old Firman AC conditioners) for my Subs that are always noisy, I've been fighting with them for 4 years I love their sound and I really should know how to get rid of the hum but I have had only bits of luck here and there. Moving speakers around made a huge difference lately but honestly I don't think any of my cables really have made much difference I haven't spent a lot on cables probably just under 10k $, probably a much lower % of my system price than most here. But I do have about 18 of my speakers that are powered (the future), those speakers are super precise and have the best imaging I've ever heard (Genelec "The Ones"). Good cables are important but AC doesn't work on the audio side of quality equipment it's all run on the DC side so as you said the transformation to DC is the important part. |
- 80 posts total