U.P.S., have you had any problems with them?

U.P.S., have you had any problems with them? We used UPS 3 x's in 1998 with 2 problems, and 1 time in 1999 with 1 problem. I don't even want to talk about 1989-1997 when we used UPS on an almost daily basis. Feedback needed.
I didn't notice at first that Hello HiFi was actually the poster of this message/request. Here's what I don't understand - it is evident from all your various posts on this site that not only does your company not ship via UPS, but you also have great disdain for them ("NO UPS, NO UPS, NO UPS"). That is fine. That is your opinion and your experience. Why then, put a post out soliciting feedback ("feedback needed") for a company you have already COMPLETELY formed your opinion about? If anyone says anything positive about UPS you are going to vehemently disagree, and if anyone says anything negative about UPS, you are going to say "Amen." What then, is the purpose of this post? Just to alert AudioGon users not to use UPS because you have had numerous bad experiences with them? If that's what your goal is, that's fine too. Just don't do it under the portent of "feedback needed." To clarify two other things, no, I was not comparing UPS ground pricing to FedEx air pricing and I never stated such. If you don't believe me, go to UPS.com and Fedex.com and pick the same level of service and the same origination and destination zip codes and see which company charges more. More often than not, FedEx will be higher. Secondly, I used to work at a high end hi fi dealer in Florida and would say 80-90% of the shipments we received from the manufacturers were shipped via UPS. Sure, there was an occasional mishap (as I stated in my first post), but about 98% of the time, everything arrived in fine shape. If, as you state, "shipping hifi is the issue," then why do most all hifi manufacturers continue to use UPS to transport their product if they are so bad about handling packages? To bottom line this whole thing, why don't you just put out a post that says "UPS sucks, DHL rules" and leave it at that. If you ask for feedback, be aware that not everyone will have the same opinion as you. My experience with over 100,000 packages shipped with UPS in the last 12 months is that they are a reliable shipper. Your experience is the opposite. So what. You're not right, and I'm not wrong. It's just two different opinions.
FED EX is NOT more expensive than UPS. In many cases, they are less. If your comparing 1, 2, & 3 day FED EX to UPS ground, then wake up and start comparing apples with apples. Compare the FED EX 1, 2, & 3 day rates with UPS 1, 2, & 3 day rates. They will vary by +-5%.
Gee, someome is saying UPS is OK becuase they ship 100,000 packages a year with them? So what! Amazon probably ships well over a million books a year, but books aren't hifi, and that's what we have had a problem with when UPS is involved. UPS = regular damage problems with shipments. FED EX = almost no damage problems. DHL (for 1999) = no damage problems on anything we shipped with them. Hmm... Our shipping volume is increasing, but our problems our decreasing. When your in the hifi business, and have used ups a 1000s of times, you will have some actual experience to base your comments on, but until then....
I shipped a pair of Thiel 3.6 back to the manufacturere and they arrives DEMOLISHED! UPS did pay up for the damages but it took a while and lots of calls. I have received other large heavy pkgs without mishap.
havent had much problem, here in sylmar is a ups office, never have to wait in line long like in van nuys. its safe here to leave pkgs on the porch and they will. every time fedex comes to his door, they tap so lightly on his door and so briefly, that he usually has to go after the pkg at their ofc. aon the other hand, once ups misses you with a pkg that they don t leave, you cant retrieve it at the end of the day...mixt baG ID say. hey, ever follow a a fedes truck down the street? u could get a speeding tkt that way!