Ukulele, anyone?

Just found this on Sat eve. Another example of why "stereotypes" are best suited for being blown up. This also blew my mind. Jake Shimabukuro is a master. Talent like this make me believe in God all the more. It is excellent. Hope you can access and enjoy. He has a web site. CD is called "Dragon". Going to get the CD for sure.
If this link doesn't work, just Google Youtube Jake Shmabukuro. See a video of him in Central Park playing a cover of George Harrison's, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps".
Never heard of the guy but for sure he is something special. Thanks for the heads up I just purchased the CD
I saw him in Honolulu a few years back. He is a huge star over there. I bought all his music after the show.
Seen him live many times--better live than on his recordings. The best $15 you will ever spend as he is still in the clubs. In 2005, he toured with Jimmy Buffett.