Ultrasonic Record Cleaner +++ New Model V-8 Clean

Anyone had any experience with this new (to me) ultrasonic record cleaner? Competition for Audiodesk? Thanks, Bill

Someone over at AudioCircle has also mentioned this one, same cost as Audiodesk, but less parts to replace, and no special solution required.


These units will fly off the shelf when the price point becomes $2,000. At most, there is $500 in materials in the Klaudio unit. I am sure Harry is currently working on a similar unit that with his distribution and marketing power will aid Klaudio in making a price reduction. So, wait while.
The diyaudio.com thread on ultrasonic machines suggests that these machines involve more than $500 in parts. And this "parts cost" calculation is always problematic since it fails to take into account so much, including rent, engineering, design, prototyping, salaries, shipping, etc.

That said, yes I think ultrasonic cleaners with the features of this or the Audio Desk would sell like hotcakes at a $2000 or below price point.