upgrade Dynaudio Special 40 to Kef Reference 1


I am planning on an upgrade. I am currently using Dynaudio Special 40 speakers with a Hegel Rost amp and JL audio subwoofer. Will i notice big difference if I upgrade to the Kef Reference 1 speakers? Another option I am considering is to upgrade the Hegel Rost amp to a Yamaha AS3000 amp. Which upgrade is more beneficial at this time since I can only do one upgrade. Thanks.

Of course there is an upgrade. The only problem is there is no end to the upgrade. 

Nice upgrade! I was going to suggest changing out the amp since the Rost is their entry level integrated. Way to go with Pass! I need to figure out how to get one of their integrateds in for a home audition. I’ve got the Dynaudio HS and need a bit more punch at lower volumes. The mid’s and high’s are very efficient with that speaker and I tend to listen at a lower volume setting compared to my old Contour 1.1’s. The HS 85db stat seems off, they sound much louder.


I have the HS speakers and I would recommend the Boulder 866 if that fits into your budget.   The HS really is a incredible speaker with the right amp.  Btw they sound very full at low volumes with the 866.