Be sure to use a wide variety of LPs across genres, thicknesses, reissues/originals etc. when you listen critically. It's easy to get caught up in 1 track A/B comparisons, but if you pick a track that doesn't have every instrument and voice in the world then perhaps a different LP might shine additional light on your thinking ;-)
Also, curious to get a better understand of the warm apple pie analogy. Is it too warm, sweet, tart, thick? I think my Colibri was too lemony, and my Signet is like pecan with just a dab of whipped cream; a little sweet, with lots of texture and a solid foundation. Cheers,
Also, curious to get a better understand of the warm apple pie analogy. Is it too warm, sweet, tart, thick? I think my Colibri was too lemony, and my Signet is like pecan with just a dab of whipped cream; a little sweet, with lots of texture and a solid foundation. Cheers,