Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!

I recently purchased a VPI classic and moved my 17d3 onto it. Pushing through a Luxman SUT, Fosgate Signature Phono, and 12w Luxman SQ-N10 wi DH Labs Air Matrix and Revelation ICs gives me an almost ideal sound. I get immense detail without being bright or fatiguing. The mids are as real as can be, and I don’t get the midbass scoop that many systems hit. I just want a little more on the bottom end. It's not that it's not there... The bass is super tight, and it's pleasant to make out the qualities in it. I just want more presence from it. Maybe I might be pushing too low an output through a high efficiency system?

People in other threads have mentioned the XX-2, the Delos, and some options from Benz. Is the XX-2 really colder than the 17d3? Is the Delos bright as well?

Not limiting to the cartridges listed, what would get me closest to what I am looking for?

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I've had a 2m black, Benz wood, dyna, AT33SA, to name a few. 

I now now have a Soundsmith Zephyr Star, and it is my favorite to date. 

Loading Can be a challenge with some stages, but I love this little guy. 
Posting to this thread under the theory of "better late than never."  I've had the Karat 23 MR RS, 17D3 and XX2 Mk II on my Sota rig.  I feel the XX2 is almost perfectly neutral, totally revealing, has outstanding frequency response and superior dynamic range.  It's a major, but linear, step up from the 17D3.   I also find the bass deeper and more defined.  Much as I might like to go to a TKR or XV1S, I'm fully satisfied with the XX2.  Maybe if I upgrade my speakers I'll change my mind, but for now, no.  FWIW, if you're still not finding your Nirvana, give the XX2 a try.  Good luck & happy listening!
@argon66 thanks for the recommendation on the Zephyr Star. I've heard great thjngs, and I do own a Sound Smith SMMC-1 which is a few steps down but of the same signature. I will consider it one day. 

@effischer I actually ended up buying an XX-2 with a snapped cantilever here on the Gon for $300. I'll definitely put in on after the ART-9 wears out. 

I do have to say, though, that now that the ART-9 has broken in, that presence and personality I was hoping for is now here. It might also have to do with the fact that I also got a PS Audio Power Plant P3 that just seems to make the attack of my system ever so fast and articulate. But I think my sound is practically perfect now, and I can't imagine wanting to switch anything out anytime soon!