Wolfgang………. Yes many of us buy online. I usually stick with a couple bigger ones. Tube store. Tube depot. Are two I’ve used often enough with no disappointment from either.
Upgrade to McIntosh
Hello everyone,
I am looking to upgrade my hi-fi sytem.I demod MC 275 recently and loved the tuby,warm house sound of Mcintosh.
I will be pairing them with Sonus Faber Olympica 1.
I am torn between MA352 integrated and MC275+C8 separates. The latter is obviously more costly but I am willing to go for it if there are advantages.
How would the sound differ? What would be the most notable distinction between the two system in your opinion?
Thanks in advance
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You don't have to replace the stock tubes. They are good stable tubes that will last thousands of hours. I decided to swap mine out after roughly nine months of listening with the JJ tubes. I was curious if a higher grade of tubes would make a difference. I learned that it did make a difference. I purchased mine from Tube Depot and Upscale Audio. Good experience with both stores. |
@wolfgangamadeusaudiophiliac Admittedly it is hard to answer your question re. the Revel F328Be (I initially owned the F228Be but after about a year, upgraded to the F328Be). I have a smallish room 13’ x 13’, well treated with panels, diffusers, and small bass traps. Additionally, custom length bluejean speaker cables, after market power cord, dedicated power to my room, power conditioner... The F228Be bass port is in front; the F328Be in the rear. You can surmise the rationale. Interestingly, (using the Wilson placement process AKA the mirror reflection) I’ve found I have to be closer to the "center" to have optimum sound stage. 99% most likely my room, not the speakers. Imaging is incredible. At times, I hear the drums "on my right knee" and others there is no L or R depending on the music source/recording, etc. Re. your questions of euphonic / dynamics, all I can say is that the power match with the MA352 (integrated / tubes) creates a wonderful warm presence. I hear things I've never heard with these speakers. Fine nuances, Goldberg "humming" as he plays, the singer's breath... I mean at times, it seems better than if I'd been in a symphony hall. Bottom line, these are my last speakers and will likely move homes in the next few years hoping to have a bit larger listening room. As I noted, these and the MA352 are my anchors. I may upgrade other components, but not the amp or speakers. Sure, there are better options but for my budget and enjoyment, I could not be happier. BTW, shop around. The Revels weigh in around $16-17K for the pair but you can find sources that are closer to $10K if you’re patient. Good luck and as Hans says, whatever you do, enjoy the music. |
Those of you who have the DA2 did you upgrade from the da1? I ask because my dealer is offering the da2 upgrade, but with all my digital sources being redbook cd or a max of 24/192 streaming. I would like to know if your impressions are of A clear upgrade in sq across the board and what you like about it? Day 5 I’m streaming brain salad surgery and pushing around 5-10 watts (luv the meters) it doesn’t stop getting better. Now that I’m hearing what these blade’s can do I’m a little embarrassed that I waited so long. |
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