
Anyone here in constant upgrade mode?  Listening to the same choice records or CDs over and over again after some new change in gear?
 Unfortunately, I find myself in this mode far too often.  Eventually this becomes a way of life.
 Music becomes secondary to the latest tweak. As a retired musician, theoretically, this shouldn’t happen to me. But it does.  I should be listening to new works and comparing performances.
 It’s a dangerous trap!
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I’m trying to remedy the condition. I don’t really have to know if the 2nd trombone player passed gas in measure 128. I’m trying to listen to the music first and the sound second.
BTW, if you do that, you get into the sound better anyway.
The advantage of inexpensive tweaks is that they give you something to agonize about for a while, thereby postponing the need to make that next big purchase...
I give myself a certain amount of time for that. Then that is all, because I can see myself upgrading to kingdom come. After my time is up I just enjoy why I got all this weird stuffola.