Upscale RCA Jacks - McIntosh

Does anyone know why McIntosh often uses the bottom-of-the-line RCA jacks on some very nice pieces of equipment? Generally, I avoid buying anything that does not have the nicer jacks on it. Have I ever actually heard the difference between plain old jacks and expensive upscale jacks? Not that I am aware of.

One would think that McIntosh would use the better jacks, if only for psychological impact. Is there a school of thought that believes that the simple jacks might actual be the equal of the upscale ones - or perhaps even better?
Elizabeth- folderol?? I love it. Thanks for bringing some class to the forum.
Rega does the same thing.. the el cheapo jacks even on the Saturn.. I think they figure "it doesn't sonically make a difference" ??
Even if it does not sonically make a difference; sometimes the more expensive jacks actually provide a more secure connection when the cables are heavy and/or stiff.
cheap doesnt mean bad. there are too many other factors more important in choosing a component rather than if they use the latest trendy part that people pretend they can/will hear a difference in.
I agree, I don't think the "better" jacks will sound any better or worse, The better jacks are secure to the equipment panel and will not break away from tight or heavy interconnects. I have damaged a few cheap rca jacks with tight rca male interconnects by pulling off the outer gold female cap with the interconnect.