USB Digitil microscope advice

Are the cheapo $30 ebay devices good enough for cartridge set up?


Or am I missing something and the more expensive offerings necessary?


Any specific ones you likey?




The cheaper that the optics are, the harder to use.

Good luck finding a useful one.

Either to look at a profile of a cartridge or to use during set up of SRA, you will need to get a decent microscope. The cheapo's on Ebay are a waste of money - I eventually threw my $10 made in China microscope away.  I bought a used dino-lite microscope model AM4515ZT (retails for ~$750) and have only been using it to look at profiles of cartridges. I will say even that also requires a lot of patience and skill. To measure/set SRA, I would need a tripod/stand of sorts (based on my setup) and have not ventured that far into the pursuit.  If you're serious about wanting to use a microscope to set up a cartridge, the Wallyscope looks interesting and costs ~$1250.  Good luck.

I own a Wallyscope and it is certainly a cut above whatever you are going to find on the net. The problem is positioning and focusing the scope in a horizontal position. With a regular USB scope it will take a lot of cleverness. The Wallyscope stage makes it much easier and it has much higher magnification so you can evaluate stylus wear.

Modern cartridges are very well made. I highly suggest the WallyReference tool. It will line up most cartridges perfectly.


I know that the WallyScope is intended for determining VTA, but, I was wondering if it is also easy to use for setting proper overhang and basic alignment.  Is it easy to look at the stylus from the front for such alignment?  How close do you have to get to the stylus for the stylus to be in focus?
